NES games are frustrating

NES games are frustrating


video games

When I was a kid, I used to play on my Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) for hours and hours. I couldn't wait to get out of school and keep on playing my favorite titles, such as Super Mario Bros, Contra, Ducktales, Megaman, and many more gems. Man, being a kid in the 90s was the best. NES games were extremely hard, to the point of making your blood boil. They were frustrating, but there was something magical about them. It doesn't matter how difficult they were, I kept trying, again and again, to overcome the obstacles and get better as a player.

Today, I don't have the time - nor the patience - to play those amazing games again. I don't let my nostalgia blind me. Old games feel like an unfair punishment nowadays. If you lose all your lives, you have to start over. Your progress isn't saved. You start all over again. Why, God, why? That's when you lose me. I'd rather play something modern. I still love NES games, don't get me wrong. It's just, they aren't for me anymore.