Are you confident?

Are you confident?


daily life

Hi there,

how are you feeling?

I was planning to write a post about hiking, but I found myself not in the mood for it today. Therefore, I will share a few thoughts with you all.

Today, I was thinking about my professional skills to find an internship. As I was writing my CV, I started to wonder if I was really able to do all of the things I put on it. I notice that I have (maybe a lot of us have) a huge lack of self-trust in our abilities. To change that mindset, I am focused on changing these patterns of thoughts that came through my mind constantly. However, this kind of mentality is very present even when you are in high positions in work, study, etc.

Sometimes, in my personal case most of the time, we can be hard with ourselves. We can constantly push ourselves in ways we would not dare to push other people. I would never think that my colleagues, friends, and family would know nothing about their own work. So why do I think this about myself? Why are we mean with ourselves?

Personally, identifying and trying to change this toxic pattern against us is crucial to overstep it.

This lack of confidence might be dangerous. Keeping fighting it every day is the only way to make it disappear.

This year I'm attempting to be kind, and not being too hard with myself. And for this road, I am certain that Journaly will be essential for this journey.

Did you ever feel the same? Tell me.

I see you in my next post.