Who do you need to forgive?

Who do you need to forgive?



Who do you need to forgive?

This video starts with a man telling how he wants to forgive his mom for not saving him when he killed a guy that was attacking him and even stabbed him in the chest while his mom was watching without doing anything. So he had to save himself and kill this guy in order to survive, even though he ended up in prison for it.

This question makes me wonder, why do I keep bringing bad memories back, although I try to forgive?

I went through an awful lot of things in my childhood and my adolescence, and the people that hurt me the most were the people that were supposed to take care of me and my sisters. It is hard to forgive them and to forgive myself, because what I learn from them was to hate myself and be afraid of life and people. Although when I realized that that was wrong I still kept pushing myself in a lot of horrible ways.

I'm kind of fine now. I still live in a toxic environment, so am I struggling a lot with life, but I'm trying to get out of this little by little for my sisters, my nephews and for myself.

I think that forgiveness is not only saying sorry but growing from that, because when you overcome something you don't worry about it anymore.

Hopefully, in the future, I can be able to forgive them completely and find some peace.

Who do you need to forgive?