Día de muertos.

Día de muertos.



Dia de muertos is my favorite festivity, there's nothing like it; it even has a particular smell because of the cempasúchil flower.

When I was a kid, I remember that the teachers always asked us to dress up a "calavera" or to make an "altar", and that was definitely the best homework of the whole school year.

At home, we always put up a small altar with some pictures of the family members that have died, and we eat "pan de muerto" with hot chocolate, and after that, we go to the cemetery to leave a bouquet of flowers on the graves.

Furthermore, I believe that this festivity is an amazing way to remember and honor your ancestors, to connect with your family, and to remember that life is finite.

I love this festivity because it has prevailed since pre-Hispanic cultures. It surely got mixed with Catholicism, but at least it did not die.