Forget how to forget

Forget how to forget



As the plane flew lower, Lou saw the golden beaches of the Island below.

Lou (as her friends call her) is a 27 year old artist, she consider herself as an artist in constant growing. She loves to paint and take photos, because in that way she can keep her emotions, thoughts and memories. She always forget everything, that is why she try to keep her memories in photos or paintings. But since 2 years ago, she forgot something more important than anything, more important than the time she forgot to buy yellow paint and she had to invent a purple banana, more important than the time she forgot her camera for a trip to a mountain in a photographers camp, this time she forgot herself.

She always says she only fell in love two times: with her camera, and with her hands, but 2 years and 6 months ago, she knew her third love. His name was Fran, He was a songwritter, and they met when she went to Spain, specifically to the Canary Islands, and at the begging they started to hang out as friends, but Lou started to feel something different about him. she found him more than atractive, not because he was handsome (and he was), it was because he was as smart as she, as creative as she, as passionate as she. He gave her something to remind.

Suddendly He started to write songs about her, and her camera roll was full of pictures of him.

She knew it but did not want to say it, She fell in love.

6 months after meet him for the first time, she told him, "I Love you", But his reaction was not what she expected, because he tolds her... "I can not love you", "why?" she asked...

Now 2 years later she is landing in the same place she knew his third-first love. In about 6 days she is going to hear him sing all the songs she thought he wrote for her, but this time is gonna be different, now they are not alone, there are goig to be about 100 people, and this time he is not singing for her, he is going to sing for his husband.

As the plane flew lower, Lou saw the golden beaches of the Island below, and this time she did not forget her camera.