Email to my Bestie

Email to my Bestie


daily life

From: Miza.

Subject: In response to your Email.


I just have to say that I am so excited to visit you. I can not wait to take the plane!

I am fine with both options. You know I love music, so the concert would be amazing. But if you want to stay inside and just relax and even watch a movie or something I would love it too. You know I enjoy watching horror movies with you, it is really funny when you scream every 5 seconds!

About climbing in the moutains. I do not enjoy heights very much and also I do not think I have the physical condition to go up there, I am so sorry by the way, I know how much you get excited about xtreme sports and all that stuff.

And finally I have some questions about your city, Is there any book shop near your town? I would love to still reading while I stay in your house, and also do you want me to bring some videogaes with me? I have some. Just let me know.

I am counting days to finally meet again.

Love, Miza.