Hello!  (translation of my first post)

Hello! (translation of my first post)


Hello! My name is Paige / Ji Huabei and I'm turning 17 this year (at the end of the week!). I'm Chinese but I have lived in Australia since I was 1yo (I'm adopted).I have black shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and I'm very short, I'm only 150cm / 1.5m / 5'0"/5ft!

I was really young when I started learning Chinese。My parents both thought I should learn Chinese because there's so many interesting aspects such as culture, making new friends to communicate with and so on. Right now, I'm studying VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) Chinese as a Second Language (basically Year 12 Chinese but I'm in Year 11 this year), I do think it is hard but I still really enjoy studying foreign languages. From Year 7, I also had to study French (alongside Chinese!), I used to really like it to the point of preferring French (over Chinese). But now, I like it less and less, I think my teacher and textbooks aren't the best and boring. Next year, I still intend on self-studying foreign languages, besides I'd like to get to Japanese, Korean and Italian etc. I extremely like learning new things, vocabulary and new phrases (to say)!

I'm really happy that I can try using this online platform that Robin invented. I'm very grateful I get to beta-test the world's first foreign language journaling website! I hope I can make new friends here and also help friends here learning Chinese correct some things. Besides lang learning, I like eating, window-shopping with my friends (when we're not in a COVID pandemic situation!), watching TV, listening to pop music and watching YouTube videos. If you read this far into what I've written, thanks!

Talk to you later,

Beibei (my 'nickname' based off my Chinese name Ji Huabei)