The one with the Mayan Ruins. Tikal. (C)

The one with the Mayan Ruins. Tikal. (C)



On December 9th, 2019, I took a trip to Belize and Guatemala with one of my friends, and one of the places that I enjoyed the most was the beautiful ruins of Tikal.

We stayed at Jaguar Inn Tikal, which is a small hotel inside the National Park of Tikal. It is worth mentioning that the service was great, the room was very comfortable, and the room was around 70 dollars per night for both of us. This was a little over our low-budget adventure but I still think it was a great deal.

So, we got there in the afternoon and went straight to have something to eat because we both were starving, then we just walked around looking for souvenirs. I collect postcards from the places I visit, so this was very important to me. Then we went to the room to sleep because the tour guide was gonna pick us up at 3:30 am! to take us to the ruins.

At 3:30 am the tour guide showed up and the adventure began. We walked in the middle of the night in the jungle. It was both exciting and frightening, we were only using lamps to light up the path and we could hear very strange noises from howler monkeys and some other animals. The tour guide said: - "Don't be afraid of jaguars; they don't usually walk around here. But watch out for snakes. If we encounter one, we will be in trouble." Thank God we didn't.

We walked for around 45 minutes and then we climbed the ancient pyramid. And there I was, at the top of the temple waiting for the sunrise. Not sure why but I felt calm, at peace, fulfilled, excited, and just happy to be there, happy to be able to experience that. It was pure bliss.

Then the sunrise came, and it was beautiful. It was one of those moments that you know you are going to remember forever.

We climbed down the pyramid and the tour guide explained to us the history of the pyramids and a little bit of Mayan culture.

Then we went back to the hotel to eat and rest for a while and after that, we walked back to the ruins to take some pictures.

We left the hotel and took a taxi to Guatemala city so we could grab a bus to La Antigua, where we had a few adventures ahead.

*I am reading Psycho-cybernetics and I took an idea from the book and it is to bring back good memories to help you increase your confidence, boost your self-esteem, and to stop your mind from re-thinking bad memories just for the sake of it, like when you go to sleep and your mind is like - Remember that time five years ago when you...? well, you shouldn't have said that.

So, I'm going to be working on a "repertoire of good memories", and my experience in Tikal was one of the first memories that popped up.