Fall of Giants - Chapter 1, first part

Fall of Giants - Chapter 1, first part


board games

After reading the first chapter of Fall of Giants by Ken Follet I was impressed by how the writer in a sage way, draws the features of the characters by describing the details of the environment. So, he starts the chapter by introducing us to Billy, a boy who lives in a small poor house being where he lives with his family.

It was the first workday in a mine. And he was anxious for it because it is like a type turning point from childhood to adulthood. But what meters is that Billy’s expectations were according to his reality and could not expect more than what was available in a city where everyone works in a mine.

Be that as it may, in the first part of the first chapter Ken Follet shows us, under Billy’s eyes, a world of poverty, familiar intimacy, and expectations; even is that expectations are just about a boy who wants to become an adult.