My cutest cat 🐈

My cutest cat 🐈



Hi, I want to introduce you my cat....

He his called Napoléon and he is 4 years old. He has ginger and white hairs and its pads are so soft! His eyes are green.

He loves sleep in the sofa and eat. One day he was fight with a bad wild cat of my village and he was hurt at his paw.😓

But he is so strong so he was back soon on its feet.

When he was just arrived at home, Napoléon was lost in the village at the night and we thought he never coming home but he always came back. 🥰

We have adopted him in a shelter for abandoned pets when he was so tiny. But he was sick at this time so we were afraid he didn't get better. So we were waiting him during 4 months ...

One day, my mother bring him at home and we were so happy!! He was a little bit crazy because he jumped on the sofa and scratched it 😂. Today, Napoléon is more calm but sometimes my father fed up with him when he is completely crazy and damage the sofa 🤪 🥴.

But we all loved him ( except my dad who didn't like animals so much).

That's it about my cat, I hope that was interesting and I can improve my English written at the same time.

Good bye and have a nice day!