LAWS 1 - Write a paragraph about your morning routine

LAWS 1 - Write a paragraph about your morning routine


language learning
journaly updates

I glanced through a book called: "Longman Academic Writing Series" 2 days ago. Book's content starts with basic (sentences) to acadmic level (Essays) so I think it's a great method to practise writing English.

I'd like to tell you about one of the morning routine. I wake up at 5:30 A.M. but it takes me 30 minutes to get up. Then, I take a shower, wash my face and brush my teeth. the times to do all of that is about 20 minutes. Then I make breakfast for myself. I often eat Instant Noodles because It's cheap and quick. At 6:00 A.M., I look at my to-do list and see what the main task today. Because it's exam season now so I have to do a lot of revision by looking at past papers. I oftens spend an hours to finish that. Then I have 30 minutes to take a break and join an classroom in Zoom at 8:00 A.M. My class is not a university's class. It's an extra class about English. The outline of the class is totally different from all of the english class I attend. I'm going to have to study mass sentences in the same grammar structure like present simple, present perfect,.. I've researched in the Internet and found that there is a course using similar method name Glossika. Anyway, the class take 3 hours and in 11:00 A.M I order some foods.