To stop the time

To stop the time



Nowadays, time goes too fast and we run after it, time is money and money is time.

It's difficult in our modern life to slow down the pace, to realise that we need appreciating more little things in our life. Months after months, years after years we see the time flyes and slips in our fingers.

And I think the only thing to do to give value of these wholes years is " memories". I know that one day my parents won't be here with me, and the whole of my loved ones. And at that time, I won't be alone. I will have all my memories with me to heat me up my heart.

Everybody has a lot of things to do in their life I Know, me too, but We must live having in mind that tomorrow everything can stop definitively. And we must have no regret, to know that we did everything we can to share moments with our loved ones.

It's triky to realise that at the right time, not too late.

The today's society pushes us in a life always more quick, always more artificial, always more stressful.

So Stop ! Keep time for you, for your family, for your hobbies, for your pleasures and take a deep breath !

Have a good day !

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