Writer's Block

Writer's Block


daily life

In my job, my current assignment is to finish writing a document with all the processes from the marketing department. And that takes so much time. Therefore, I think that my ability to find the right words was worn out by the time the night fell. And that was when I wanted to write my own words, not somebody else's. While trying to continue a short story, I experienced writer's block.

Writing used to be a habit that fell short. I loved inventing prompts and discovering where the narrative would take me. All fiction, mostly romance or drama (because I am a proud drama queen). And, in case you're wondering, I used to be a fanfic writer. Not my best work though hahahah As I got older, my texts got shorter, but deeper. I felt like I was finally discovering my voice, my perception of the stories I wanted to tell.

And then, the short texts became sentences in a diary, and the sentences became an emoji to a "Tell me how you feel" question. I stopped. Even though I miss it.

Life gets in the way, I guess. So many things to do, so many other hobbies and so much to learn. It's impossible to do everything. But one of my dreams is still writing my own book, and, in fact, I already have some ideas in my head. I just need to take the leap of faith and start putting those words into a Word file. And stop telling myself that I need to "store" my ideas for when I am older and more skilled in writing. I need to start somewhere and tell what I want to tell. And stop writing only for others.