My favourite YA author, Colleen Hoover

My favourite YA author, Colleen Hoover



I think Young Adult is one of my favourite genres but I didn't know this util I discovered Colleen Hoover!

Colleen Hoveer is known as one of the great authors of this genre, every booktuber that loves this type of style has at least one recommended a book I think. The first book I read of her was called "All your perfects" which a classmate has recommended the book to me and it got me on the hook right away!

All your perfects tells the story of couple in two time lines that run up parallel. On one hand, you have the present time where you learn how the got to know each other and how everything developed among the two, then you have a chapter that shows you the present where you get to see how the marriage's strugles their are facecing. At some point, I was completly hearthbroken because as the back of the book says this "is a heartbreaking page-turner".

The next book I read from Colleen was "It ends with us" another heartbreaking story but not just romatically, it is kind of a heavy story and Colleen makes emphatyze with the main characters feeling. During the reading every unexcpected situation that had taken aback the character was also shocking for me, I always felt as much surprised as she did. The connection Colleen makes you feel with her characters is what makes every novel of her a page turner.

Currently, I'm reading "Regretting you" a story told from a mother's and daughter's point of view and again I can barely put down the book! Last night I couldn't sleep enough because I was so caught up into the story that I wanted keep reading all night long! Hopefully I'll finish it today or tomorrow then maybe if you want I could tell you a bit more about this third masterpiece I'm reading

As always I would really appreciate your feedback, thanks in advance to everybody who loves Journaling, languages and help :)