About me

About me


daily life

Me: I used to spend time thinking, how I can do this?

My other Me in my head: but how you can do, what? I don't know what you are talking about, tell me.

OK, here we go.

Hi, My name is MJ, (that was the first thing I learned to say in English by the way) I was born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela in 1991, I went to school and then to University and all this time I always used to say to myself 'you need to learn English because if you want to go here you need to have this skill' well it's time to find out how to solve this problem! two weeks later, I found the school but it was too expensive and I asked my dad if he could help me to pay for my English course, and he told me, no, why? that's no necessary here we talk Spanish' and after that day I stopped insisting, repeating to myself it's true we speak Spanish here I don't need that, but life had a great surprise for me.

I met my husband through an app. When I saw him for the first time I felt my heartbeat so loud, I was in love.

He lived in Texas. he speaks Spanish very well because he learned it from his parents. 8 months after meeting him, he asked me: will you marry me? and I said Yes! and everything began.

The first thing he told me was you need to move in with me, we need to start to do everything to get your visa, and just then in the happiest moment of my life I started to think I don't speak English, how can I do this, how can I move to a place where people can't understand me...

Esta historia continuara...