Knock Knock, 2022!

Knock Knock, 2022!


daily life

A small joke to get into the right mood...

What is it called a cute door? A-door-able...

A New Year is Just Around The Corner

Oh, dear 2021, I've got so many memories of you, it's as if you were around my life just one day ago. 2021 for me was like a roller-coaster, so much has happened in just one year that it seemed like a whole lifetime. Do you believe it? I worked as an attendant at a telemarketing center for six months, it felt like years though, I massively improved my English, got on a new language, lost and recovered relationships. I also bought a phone with my own money, the first time I do that. I've experienced incredible moments, but also the worst moments of my life this year. I think 2020 was chillin' a little bit more in terms of extreme emotions. I did so much, but I also slacked off with much more frequency than in 2020. So much so that I've decided to start this new year differently, by changing for real what was bothering me, to practically kick the shit outta them. I've started by truly committing to my walking routine on a daily basis, committing more to my English learning, and printing some curriculums. I want so much for this new year, I want to be sure I'm truly happy, get to C1 Level in English, find a part-time job, and so much more. But what I want the most is just to be happy and feel complete with who I am, this is what I want the most. I'm super pumped about this year, as I usually always am, I know big things will happen!

And what about you? How are you feeling towards 2022? How was your experience with 2021?