Hi! Thanks in advance for helping me.
"I'm going to the dentist on the January 10th, because I wear braces, so I always need to do maintenance once a month. Still, at the same month, I plan to look for my first job (I'm nineteen and it's unacceptable that I'm not working yet.) I really want to help my dad with the bills and start paying for the things I desire, but can't pay now. Like a Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) course, some new clothes for my wardrobe and maybe, one computer (for my studies, since study by cell phone sucks and for some fun, of course #girlgamer 😂) if I can save some money. I know it won't be easy to get a job, especially without experience, but these are my goals. Furthermore, in the course of the year, I want to continue working in my languages skills (I can't wait to get past the limbo of intermediate english 🥲).
Ps.: I will try to write at least 3 texts (about anything) per week.
You have a pretty good feel for the language! Good luck with your goals :)
@Adrian_Pierro thanks 💙
Great job!!