blue is my color

blue is my color


daily life

i’m looking at the sky from my window and it has, from my point of view, just one cloud and it is pretty, but it doesn't make much sense to stay there. i think i’m like that cloud, my life doesn’t make much sense and i’m not talking about the things that happened but the life in itself.

life should be nice, great and amazing - this was what i’ve been learning from all this time in movies, songs, books and social media - however for me being alive is useless. people are living good moments or doing something that's really important to change the world (there exist REVOLUTIONARY people) and my life is anything.

two days ago i was thinking about how my days are looking like no day.

the solution to this issue isn’t death. i don’t wanna die, but sometimes - actually a lot of times - i don’t want to be alive.i know i need therapy, but it’s scary me a little because i’ll need to talk about what happened and what i did these 19 years.

i’m tired. i wanna cry and be alone, because this people is so fucking annoying.

thank you for reading and merry christmas.

- R