Hi there!

Hi there!



Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing well :)

I'm Lorenzo Von Matterhorn (a pseudonym in honor to Barney Stinson from "How I Met Your Mother" xD). I'm from Spain, and I'm 35 years old.

I work as a software engineer for a big company and I'd like to take my English to the next level :P. Officially, I have a B1 level, I can understand native people on Youtube, for example. However, It is not enough, I need so much more than this!

Right now, I'm using some apps like Busuu, for example. In the same way, I often read a lot of English content due to my job.

I think my weakness are speaking and writing. I think it's a common issue for Spanish people. You know, it's hard to find the right word, sentence, or even the right verb tense... you simply stay there, like a dumb, saying "emm, emmm" xD.

I hope this helps me to improve :D

Of course, I'm open to help anyone with Spanish, my native language.

I apologize in advance, for all the mistakes that I'm going to make :P

See you soon :)

Kind regards