Have you ever been worn to a frazzle?

Have you ever been worn to a frazzle?


daily life

This phrase "be worn to a frazzle", which I've learned today, makes me recall a lot of memories with my colleagues.

We strove so hard for the release of the project to meet the deadline by working overtime until midnight, which was inevitable without OT payment.

At the first time we were so responsible, wholehearted, and committed, but after a few weeks, we were in a bad mood. We did not want to be in this situation any longer.

Every sprint (i.e., every two weeks), we all had a retrospective meeting in which you could express your thoughts, disagreements, or praises to the entire team in a polite manner during a working sprint. So we all raised this situation to Project Manager, which had taken place a long time.

Even though we had all mentioned this concern several times, he did nothing to assist the team in escaping the situation. Because he believed we were in the service industry, we had to do a good job for them. I totally agreed with him about this term, but it did not make sense, did it? If we were in a win-win relationship, then why did he not open his mouth and deal with them? At the very least, we should have been paid overtime so that we felt fair and had more motivation to reach the goal.

He let them control the team uncomfortably, and we were forced to gratify them in an exhausting manner. They consistently insisted the team on resolving their problems, even if it was in the middle of the night.

At the end of the day, I acquired a ton of valuable things for myself.