Gender Equality

Gender Equality



First of all, I have to declare I am not a sexist. I think both (or more correctly every) gender should have equal rights, and should be treated equally.

I am going to talk about a very sensitive topic, and in some way I am going to criticize feminism.

But if you read this carefully, you will notice I am saying this to realize gender equality.

This is a problem to overcome to achieve gender equality.

OK. Let's get into it. (It's going to be a long one, but I would appreciate it if you read even just a little.)

Have you ever watched Emma Watson's speech in the UN?

In summary, she said both men and women should be able to act as they like regardless of gender, so men can be feminine and women can be manly. And consequently,(she thinks) we can reclaim ourselves.

I agree with it somehow. I wish it were possible right now.

To get out of gender role, perchance not to be loved. Ay, there's the rub.

For such behavior, what consequences may come

When we shuffled off this acceptable properties,

Must give us pause. There's the respect

That makes calamity of so painful life.

Well, Let me explain. The problem is that they might be at disadvantage by acting as they like.

For example, imagine an unmanly man who is ambitionless, boney, cowardly, weak, and always negative.

Do you want to hang out with him? Very few people would say "Yes."

How about an manly man who is ambitious, buff, brave, strong, and always positive?

Yes, he is attractive. Many of manliness are preferable for most people.

This is kind of extreme example, but I think you got the idea.

Same goes about femininity. Many of femininity is preferable.

Getting out of gender role means becoming unattractive in this world. Many people including her misunderstand that one would have the other gender role if one got out of gender role, which means women would become like men and vice versa. Getting out of gender role means to lose super-useful advantages, not acquiring true self.

Getting out of gender role is not switching gender role.

What's the problem with it? The problem is ,simply put, who would marry them?

If you want to be loved, you have to be attractive.

Encouraging getting out of gender role in this situation is no different than encouraging quitting work without enough social security. Those who got out of gender role would lose their opportunity to be loved.

All right. Then, how about teaching everyone to not discriminate people who got out of gender role?

It sounds effective to some degree, but it won't solve the problem in the slightest. It is because they won't love them even though they don't hate them.

Ask Emma Watson what sort of person is her type. She would not answer it is that unmanly guy.

We cannot force someone to love those unattractive people. It is also infringement of human rights. But we cannot force everybody to be bound to gender role as well.

I don't want to say to anyone "You can just get out of gender role. You won't be loved by anyone, though."

How can you possibly solve the problem. Let me know in the comment.

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