sadness, captalism and stuff

sadness, captalism and stuff


daily life

Hi, everyone!

It’s been awhile since my last post and today I’ll talk about why I stopped writing here.

Going to college was always in my mind. When i was a kid I wanted to be a teacher because it was the first job I knew that you needed to study to have. Then Igrew up and I wanted to have other careers like being an engineer, architect or an interior designer.

One day I was watching a TV show about lawyers and stuff so I thought “maybe i should be a prosecutor” like a public prosecutor that accuses people, you know? I told it to my grandmother and she said “of course not, it’s dangerous”. It’s a pity, because I would be a good prosecutor… I’m just kidding. Lawyer or prosecutor the answer is always no.

The time continued passing. In 2019 i graduated from high school, 2020 was what it was, 2021 came and the dream - or desire - of being a college student still was in my mind. What is funny about it is that i wasn’t doing anything for it. NOTHING.

in my country we have an exam that we can do and if you study for it or you’re a lucky person - or rich - you can go to a college, public or private. My grandma told me to do this exam again, because when I graduated I did it, but my grade wasn’t great.

When she said it I was focused on studying English but in the end i chose to try this exam one more time.

It was terrible. I cried a little bit while doing the exam. In the following day i texted a friend saying “please console me” because I was crying a lot, I was really sad, however I deleted the message and moved on.

Now I’m fine but honestly college should be universal, for everyone. I hate capitalism.

My plan A was: to do this exam, start college in 2022 and during this summer (I live in the southern hemisphere, so now we’re at the end of spring) continuing studying English and other things. As that saying goes “if you have a plan it won’t work”.

Well, I’ll study for this exam AGAIN next year. This what i can do. I’m not rich and a private college it’s expensive.

So that’s the reason why I stopped posting here: capitalism.

thank you for reading!

- R