The Human Library

The Human Library


daily life

Today I want to share an unusual idea with you. When I first heard about this project I was quite surprised and didn't get it, but now I think that idea is really cool. This project is called The Human Library. In this library you will not find books, but real people. Readers may „borrow” these people for a 30 minutes conversation. The book titles are short and to-the-point – titles like „Immigrant”, „Criminal”.

The first human library was founded in Copenhagen. The founder of The Human Library claimed that many people tend to put other in the box. When we met somebody new, we often already have ideas about what they are. It's instinct and we never get beyond the instinct when we don't let us know other people.

The main idea of The Human Library is to challenge the assumptions and stereotype that we all have about other people. Diversity is a very difficult topic for many of us. Many people walk on eggshells around difference. We don't want to offend anyone, so we don't ask uncomfortable questions, even if we are very curious about an issue

Human Library gives us an opportunity to ask other people about anything. Thanks to The Human Library you can learn not only about other but also about yourself.

I think that idea is very interesting. Each of us is like a book that has many plots, mysteries and unexpected twists