


I don't feel like studying recently. I feel like I can only do something I like to do.

I think I lost my motivation after the TOEFL exam.

I put so much effort before it, but it didn't turn out as well as I expected.

I was freaked out by one of the longest English tests that I'd never taken before.

I was so messed up that I couldn't finish the last part of reading section at all.

I was stuttering and mumbling at the speaking section.

My hand was so shaking that I mistyped the letter "A" four times in a row.

It was my first time that I failed when it was really important; I use the score to study abroad.

It is not a complete failure because the result is sufficient for studying abroad albeit not for the first ambition.

But it still gets me because I had been so lucky that I could have managed it when it had been really important.

I was lucky, but the inexperience allows it to make me demotivated.

It is already 1 a.m., but I haven't finish my norm I set for today, rumbling nothing and procrastinating it.

What would you do if you were me? Do you have any tips to do on such an occasion?

I'm kind of getting tired. I guess I should go to sleep.