Coming Back to Spanish

Coming Back to Spanish


language learning

I have studied Spanish off and on since high school. I remembered nothing from the 3 years of classes that I took. When I was in my 20s, I picked up a few books and tapes from the library, but my job kept me so busy that I didn't have enough time to study it seriously. Then in my 30s, I was a stay-at-home mom, and so I thought I'd try again. I bought some books and gave it a good effort...for a while. I had always been frustrated with the lack of intermediate Spanish lessons and I knew that I wasn't learning enough vocabulary and phrases. I tried again in my mid-40s, only to become quickly frustrated with my lack of knowledge after all these years. I quit studying for another 2 years.

It was about a year ago that I realized that I can't wait until I'm fluent in Spanish before I learn other languages. For so long I believed that lie. Since I was still frustrated with Spanish, I decided to start learning Russian. Because Russian is easier than Spanish, right? No, I knew that it wasn't, but I had heard it spoken on YouTube and fell in love with the sound of the language.

More recently, I started learning small amounts of Irish and Dutch because I was curious about them. For the time being, though, I am only serious about Russian and Spanish. In the past few weeks, I have come back to Spanish with a renewed passion, while acknowledging my lack of vocabulary. Also, fluency is no longer a goal. I simply enjoy the language.