First book read

First book read


language learning
multilingual book club 04

I finished reading my first book of the book club yesterday. It's called: "Dead man's island" by John Escott. It's about a girl and her mother moving to an island inhabited by only five people. One of this five is a misterious man who never lives the island and doesn't want people to take pictures of him. He's young, rich but really sad. Carol's mother (this is the girl's name) is on the island to work for him as a secretary but Carol is too curious and want to know why the man is so misterious and what's the secret he wants to hide. I really liked this short story, I understood almost all the words and I really enjoyed the reading. I think I have now understood the usefulness of extencion reading and why it's so motivating. Now it's time to begin the second one: "Wuthering Heights" hoping it'll be as interesting as the previous one.