Do one's face in public

Do one's face in public



Hallo, this my first journal in English. I'd like to share a story with you ... About 10 years ago I had a quite sticky situation on my way to work.

It was an ordinairy day. In the morning I cycled to the nearest station. There I took the train to work. In the train, I found a place in the 2nd class. I sat across a young lady, who was constantly busy putting her make-up on. She didn't pay any attention to the people gazing at her. As the train entered the station where I had to alight, I wanted to stand up. Apparently, the young lady had not reached her destination yet. She showed no intention of alighting. Meanwhile she was busy putting on mascara.

Because it had rained, the floor of the train was a bit wet, due to people's wet footwear and clothing. Because I had new shoes, the soles of the shoes were still a bit slippy. It soon became obvious that a wet floor, slippery soles and standing up wasn't a good combination. When I stood up, my foot slipped away. While slipping away, I hit the young lady's leg. Because she paid no attention during the trip to everything around her, it was a total surprise for her. It gave her such a fright that she was no longer able to control the arm which she used for her mascara. As a result, the mascara intended for her eyebrows now was on her forehead too.

I apologized for my wet shoes, but with no avail. The damage had already been done. She gave me a nasty look and she was quite pissed off. If looks could kill ...