AI technology won't save us

AI technology won't save us


daily life
intercultural communication

1. Write about the positive and negative aspects of AI technology

Self-driving cars, clever robots, virtual reality systems, smart houses, and whatnot. Truth be told, new technologic objects have been becoming even more complex and multitasking. Rumor has it, the development of Artificial Intelligence earmarks humanity's history. However, is technology really a universal panacea?

First and foremost, throughout all of human's past, we have never produced as much as we produce now. Every single day, an eye-watering number of products are launched, sold, and thrown away. Thereby, owners of companies like Amazon, Tesla, and Apple profit a lot with a large demand of their items. In spite of it, unemployment, starvation, violence, and plight have not plunged.

Since the early 20th century, scientists claim that climate change can really grind us down due to the unreasonable amount of greenhouse gases that are released to the atmosphere. If we don't take some telling measures to smooth out this hassle, there will not be earthly way for human life on Earth. If AI developers set about to solve humanity's problems, why on earth they aren't zeroing on in the ones who really wreak havoc in our planet? Actually, it colaborates with consumerism and pollution.

Further, services like facial recognition and crime forecasting have been largely used in the security business. These systems are usually based on racist and bigot conceptions which lead the police into escalating even more its violence against disfranchised people. At the end of the day, these devices encapsulate the real truth about the use of technology by the bourgeoisie: it is made to punish and keep tabs on the ones who can defy them.

Nonetheless, artificial technology shouldn't be understood as a bad thing. After all, it can be a witty and interesting way to improve people's lives. As a matter of fact, there are some groups who are willing to invest their time and wisdom to build intelligent programmes that help scientists to create medicines and heal diseases, services that simplify the harvest and growing of crops, and smart devices that make our lives much more easier, into the bargain. However, if it doesn't cater to the poorest ones' needs, we wouldn't make things better.

To put it in a nutshell, it is clear as day that technological development has never meant to enhance people's lives once it is carried out by greedy billionaires whose only goal is to accumulate outrageous amounts of money. So, it is time for us to topple them and take their saddle. Then, we will be able to prove that technology should mean peace, less hard work, and more nourished children, employed people, and safer neighborhoods.