Here I am with the books I chose for my first Journaly book club. They are two books in english I have on my shelf from ages, I even forgot them 'til I heard about the book club. The first one is "Dead Man's Island" by John Escott. It's a level two of six of difficulty so I think It can be quite affordable for me, well I hope so! It seems a thriller reading the plot...we'll see. The second one is a classic "Wuthering Heights" a C1 level and I am not sure to understand easily all the words. There are also some exercises and extension activities at the end of each chapter but I think I will read the book only. They have both an audio CD to listen the story while I'm reading and I think it can be helpfull. I would like to read a book in French as well, but I have at home only a novel called "Tu fais quoi pour Noel? Je t'énvite!" by Juliette Bonte...430 pages! Really too much for me that are still at the basic level. So I begin with this two and I'll let you know the progress. I'm curious to listen about your choice...
Best of luck with your reading!
Thank you all for correcting my post I already have a lot of material to study!