Multilingual book club 04

Multilingual book club 04


language learning
multilingual book club 04

Here I am with the books I chose for my first Journaly book club. They are two books in english I have on my shelf from ages, I even forgot them 'til I heard about the book club. The first one is "Dead Man's Island" by John Escott. It's a level two of six of difficulty so I think It can be quite affordable for me, well I hope so! It seems a thriller reading the plot...we'll see. The second one is a classic "Wuthering Heights" a C1 level and I am not sure to understand easily all the words. There are also some exercises and extension activities at the end of each chapter but I think I will read the book only. They have both an audio CD to listen the story while I'm reading and I think it can be helpfull. I would like to read a book in French as well, but I have at home only a novel called "Tu fais quoi pour Noel? Je t'énvite!" by Juliette Bonte...430 pages! Really too much for me that are still at the basic level. So I begin with this two and I'll let you know the progress. I'm curious to listen about your choice...