Radio vs TV

Radio vs TV


daily life

Today's writing prompt: Radio vs TV.

The truth is that I don't use much any of them. I'm almost always on the internet, so PC or phone for me.

TV is good in that you can have many more options to choose from than in radio. It's also easier to know what tv show is on at a certain time, unlike with radio shows. Or maybe it's just my city's radio stations that don't have a timetable with their shows.

However, although there's more variety at any given time on TV, in the long run, you end up watching repetition after repetition of the same thing. You watched a movie on TV recently? Well, chances are you are going to encounter the same movie for at least a month. Radio shows seem to be more spontaneous and less repetitive.

I think another point for radio is that it's more local. I know what places or events their are talking about, while on tv, they focus mostly in the capital. I know this may not be really an argument because I'm comparing local radio with national tv. But we don't have a local tv channel to compare.

I guess, in the end, it all comes down to what is needed. TV for when you want to relax and choose between your options. Radio when you need something more spontaneous and local.