The Joy of Being Productive!

The Joy of Being Productive!


daily life

Do you remember the last time you accomplish something difficult? Something you never thought you would be capable to do and you did it at the end? How was your feeling at that moment? And how could we feel this incredible joy every day? Welcome to my second day of Seven Days Challenge!

All the things we do in life we do it for pleasure, sometimes immediate pleasure like eating sweets or watching TV, sometimes late pleasure like eating salad or learning certain skills, which what we have to do it even if we hate to do it, we all struggling between what we want and what we need, and we all know that a great joy is waiting for us in the end of this tunnel.

So how could we push ourselves to do things we already hate? Simply, do NOT push yourself, instead, try to make it more enjoyable and prize yourself after each step, because our human nature is extremely powerful to the level if we try to break this nature it will break us badly. This is why you see a lot of people around you wasting their time and energy fighting with themselves, the very time and energy they strongly need to meet their goals in life!

It took me several years to accept my nature as it is, and instead of whipping my conscious by my willpower every single day, I started to use my power to make it easier for me to do what I have to do.

Thanks for your time!