Seven Days Challenge 1

Seven Days Challenge 1


language learning

Today is my second day of eleven day break, I have decided to write an article every day for seven days, hopefully to become a habit afterwards.

The only time I wrote something in Journaly was full of mistakes because I didn't check the post out before publishing it, however, there was that kind person who tracks all my mistakes and lifted some kind words at the end, I felt extremely embarrassed by his or her kindness that I can't pay it back, I thought about it for a while and decided to return it back by improving my writing so this kindness do not go in vain, moreover, I started doing the same encouraging to Arabic learners!

There are a lot of selfless people who generously benefited me in many ways in my life, I believe I can't be selfish for that reason, my only wish is that this kindness cycle will reach them all again!

See you tomorrow!