


daily life
time management

Sometimes it is hard to just start working. And I just sit for hours on my phone. I tried to use a special extension that limits or blocks entertaining apps for some time. But recently I started to feel desperate and sad and would often turn off this extension, wasting time on useless information and social networks. And I ended up working at night, drinking coffee and hating myself.

But there are also other days when I am superproductive doing a lot of things. At the end of such days I feel glad.

Anyway, here are some tips that sometimes help me. I hope they will be useful for you as well!

1. Turn on a timer. When you literally see how quickly time passes, you do not want to waste it on useless things.

2. Recently I watch videos on youtube "Study with me". If you feel the lack of library or office atmosphere, you can turn on such video and work with a person on a screen. Sometimes it is really inspiring.

3. You have probably heard about the Pomodoro technique. If you do not feel like working and studying, try to work at least 10 or 20 minutes. After working a little you can take some rest. Though some people do not stop working after this time, because it is easier to continue when you have already started.

What helps you to study or work when you do not want?