Climate change

Climate change



I heard a radio programme today about climate change. The programme started with the words of famous climate change activist Greta Thunberg: "No one is too small to make a difference". These words come from her message to world leaders. Her speech reflected feelings based on the belief that not enough action is being taken on climate change.

The climatologist, who was a guest on the programme, mentioned the shocking wildfire that burned to the ground the small town of Lytton in Canada. He called the event a wake-up call, because scientists have always believed, that global warming is a gradual process, but in this case, it was not a gradual process but a huge jump.

By collecting data from all over the world, climatologists are trying to predict, how to change the pattern of global warming, but the heatwaves in Lytton did not fit these predictions. Such an event has shaken scientists' confidence because the effects of climate change may be even worse than expected.

I try to live consciously but I don't really think much about climate change, maybe I should change that.