The difficulty of finding  a new topic

The difficulty of finding a new topic



Hi everybody!

I came on this website to write a new article and I wondered which topic I'm going to talk about. I don't know if you have the same problem as me, but It always took me a long time to find a funny topic. So I was looking for a topic when I decided to talk about this issue. Finally I know it's not a real problem but I hope I'm not the only one who this happens. I have a question for you: how do you find each ideas for your text? Do you have tools or tips?

Sometimes, I look up on the internet or I read the previous texts on this website. I'm really impressionned by the imagination of people on this page. It's awesome !

I knew this website thanks to my teacher. I 've been learning English for almost one year and I didn't hear about this page before.

Thanks for your corrections and comments.

Have a good day.