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These days, the trend of shopping online is becoming an unstoppable force. With the development of technology, telecommunications, and the internet that help online purchases are quite easier. if customers only buy products in the range of where they live before, they can purchase other provinces or properly around the world now. For instance, I bought a baby's hat in China and it took only a week later for the product to me. And then, the shipping service would do the parts of the process which involves packing goods and delivering. It's helpful with an undergraduate who always wants to reduce time to go out to the physical store to choose items like me. Today, this trend is getting younger due to the development of smartphones. Students and undergraduates have smartphones and they buy items comfortably thanks to their parent's credit cards or paying when receiving goods. The only disadvantage of buying online is that you can be scammed with poor-quality goods and not able to return or get your money back when something goes wrong. That explains why people in Vietnam use cash on delivery (COD) higher than other countries.