Most medical doctors want to work in cities where they will make a lot of money. What are the reasons for this problem? How can it be solved?

Most medical doctors want to work in cities where they will make a lot of money. What are the reasons for this problem? How can it be solved?



Most healthcare professionals want to work in places where they would get a rewarding job and make a lot of money. However, there is a scarcity of doctors in many rural areas around the world. In this essay, I am going to mention some reasons for this problem.

First, most medical schools and universities are located in large cities, and graduating seniors end up working in some local hospitals or medical centers. After graduation, moving to a rural area means few job opportunities because some of these areas do not have sufficient facilities and resources. Few doctors are able to work there by volunteering through NGOs.

In addition, there is the fact that people want to have the best quality of life possible, and some rural areas cannot offer comfort and meet most people's expectations. For example, living far away from your family, not having nearby schools, shopping centers, places for leisure time, etc. could be a big inconvenience for many. Not to mention that some of these areas are very unsafe and have a shortage of public services (water, electricity, gas, Internet, etc.).

In short, some doctors do not see working in a rural area as a real option for them, and this is a big social problem for a territory. Perhaps the government should invest more resources in these areas and promote some social programs to attract more and more health professionals. People living in rural areas are generally the most in need of medical services and care.