They are going to build a nuclear plant near the city, at least that’s what they are planning, but I’m not pretty sure if it is a good idea, first of all, I am grateful that the government ask us for our opinion before this project starts, I’m not an expert of this kind of topics at all, but we have internet for something, and I did my research, and we may be thinking that it is very dangerous for our health or being well because of the news of accidents related to this energy resource, but according to some websites, nowadays this kind of techniques to get energy are much safer than 30 years ago, but at the same time I’m not completely sure about our safety, because something can go wrong and we can be the 1 percent of danger and that 99% of security may not be our case at all, secondly I know that the residues of this energy can affect to the animals, and I’ve been trying to have a pet friendly lifestyle as much as I can, so for me this information its not only important but very sad, perhaps it could be a really good form to satisfy the energy needing, but lets think, does it worth the fact that we are going to put in risk our life and even our city just for energy? I need to research a little bit more for me to have a more complete opinion about it, but I may say that I’m not up to support this project.