


daily life
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I use applications on my smartphone a lot of times because of its convenience. The first software that takes most of my time is the lookup dictionary. I am currently a student and need to learn English on a daily basis. The dictionary in my smartphone looks up extremely fast and minimizes the time of studying. Some dictionary also helps me to memorize a new vocabulary by providing a flashcard feature. I don't have to make traditional flashcards which is time-consuming. On the contrary, when using equipment connecting to the internet, I often get distracted by other things like Facebook, Instagram, youtube,... The second application I use a lot is the weather forecast. I go out very often. Hence, I use this app to know how to dress appropriately. And the last application is Facebook - the largest platform in the world. Some countries use other apps like Snapchat, Twitter to communicate with people. I think this platform is popular in Vietnam because it joined in Vietnam Market early. They have been using it for a long time that doesn't want to change to another platform. Facebook helps me communicate with my friends which I don't have to meet them directly. Not only that, Facebook is a huge entertainment application store that helps me not to feel bored when I have nothing to do. Nowadays, I can play games, watch video suggestions, or live-stream on Facebook. I advise you not to spend a lot of time on the phone because it is taking a great deal of time. Don't be like me!