Essay training!!!

Essay training!!!


I am going to take the TOEFL exam this weekend. I wrote a practice essay, so I want you to read it and tell me what you think. If you did, I would appreciate it.

Here's the question.

"School should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer."

My essay

 I think schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Certainly, it might be true that students are not so developed that they can evaluate their teacher properly. They might judge their teacher by their appearance, or they might evaluate them lower than their actual levels because he/she is strict and vice versa. However, we will be able to evaluate properly because we can know the teachers from more perspectives. Here are the examples of the possible improvement.

First, we may be able to know the teachers’ skill of teaching not only by the test score but by more aspect. Sometimes, the test scores of the student do not improve even though the teacher is doing a great job. It takes more than we expect to motivate students to study hard. We tend to consider the teacher is not suitable just because the test score is not improving, but the student may be preparing to, or changing to work hard. We have to, therefore, wait for the future improvement, and ask children how the teacher is. We can know if the teacher is changing the students’ mindset or not.

Second, we can know how the teacher is dealing with more than just the score of exams. In the classroom, there might be other problems like bullying or delinquency of the students. We should know whether the teacher solves the problem appropriately or not. We can know the teacher is willing to help the student not only on the aspect of the schoolwork, but also their lives. We can tell the teacher is working hard to solve the problem like that by asking students. We can add such item in the questionnaire.

To sum up, we can know about the teachers’ ability better by asking students. Hence, I think schools ask students to evaluate the teachers.

Thank you for reading!!!