Sherlock and language learning!

Sherlock and language learning!


language learning

How Sherlock Holmes helped me improving reading in English these last six months? Short experience account..

I have been studying english for over four years up until now, I used to spent hours every day listening in english, last February, I tried reading the "BLACK BEAUTY" by Anna Sewell, level 4 B1-B2, unfortunately, and for my surprise, a little too hard to me, thought all this years was in vain!

I put a lot of effort to complete such a short novel and then started thinking what went wrong, I didn't come up with any explanation until I heard this great advice: "focus on understanding the constext in general,ot every single word".

It was the begining of last summer when I went back to my parents home, I found a novel level 6 S1-S2 in my brothers room, I pick it up, and read it by this new concept, it's unbelievable how easy it was to my, even though I was struggling finish much more easier one! I decided to go to higher level.

I bought one of the Agathas Christies's stories, it was, however, not as I expacted in that state of excitement, considerably harder, and somehow less amusing that I expacted, but still that level of language not too hard as that level-four novel was to me, so I thought maybe this is not the same problem I had in February, and it turned it wasn't.

You may remember what I said about listening for hours daily, you may think it's because of my strong willpower, but the truth is, it's because of my weak will, that makes me trying to satisfy my intrests and amusing my self in suitable source in english, that's what I did again in reading, and here comes Mister Sherlock Holmes to the rescue.

I started reading Sherlock Holmes adventures, I may say it was at the same level as the Agathas Christies's, but for me, a lot more excited and amusing, I enjoyed the feeling of living with him and Doctor Wotson in baker street in london in that era, the only effort I had to do is following the context and translating the keywords that I needed to understand the story, and what happened next was indescribable!

I could easily spand hours and hours reading an advanced level of english without any effort at all! The voucabulary just flow to my head, the speed of reading was accelerating rapidly, and all of that happening while I am having fun!

Last days, I realized that I am having too much fun and learing less and less because my reading became so good, as a result, I desided to read less and starts working on my writing, and that's why I posting my first post in Journaly..