Some people claim that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace. Do you agree or disagree with this?

Some people claim that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace. Do you agree or disagree with this?


daily life

Some people believe that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace. This is a belief that has increased today, where the media shows us stories about young entrepreneurs with fresh ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. I don't agree completely with that belief.

First of all, although young people might have some fresh ideas, we cannot underestimate factors such as experience and background. Older people with extensive experience in a field can easily spot what will work and what will not. In addition, innovation comes with extensive knowledge of a field or topic by recognizing under-explored aspects. In fact, a new idea does not necessarily mean a good idea.

In addition, there is also the fact that creativity may not be strongly related to age. Perhaps, it is an ability associated with a particular way of thinking. People can develop their creativity and imagination with practice. We have the case of amazing filmmakers and writers who are not particularly young. For example, George R.R. Martin continues to give us amazing books at the age of 73, and Martin Scorsese directed magnificent films at the age of 78. The technology industry and science have many other examples of creative people who have great ideas; we only have to look at the new products and services that are born in laboratories with teams made up of people of all ages.

To sum up, in my opinion, creativity cannot be associated exclusively with a person's age. Some people may have the misconception that younger people are more creative than older people, but there are many variables to consider. Perhaps, the perfect combination is for younger and older people to work together. Fresh or new ideas are important, but also experience and wisdom are relevant aspects. Last but not least, creativity may be inherent in an individual's personality and way of thinking.