Jealousy and envy can be good sometimes

Jealousy and envy can be good sometimes


language learning

I know, I know the title already sounds somewhat wrong. Allow me to elaborate on that: I'm not talking about the being in a relationship type of jealousy here, what I'm saying is that jealousy and envy can sometimes lead you even further away on the chase of your dreams. In my own experience, I was never really interested in learning foreign languages, except for like English. And even then, I was okay with my average English pronunciation, you know, I was okay with having that mild accent that pretty much every foreigner has when they speak in English. Me having very little interest in language learning totally changed when I felt a very intense envy towards some guys who were able to speak several languages, and they would use them all to communicate. If I only felt admiration, I would just be like "Oh, they're polyglots. That's cool." and move on. But, it was this feeling that I had of wanting to be like them (or even better) that gave me this strong desire of starting to study foreign languages.

That's what I mean with "jealousy and envy can be good sometimes", at least, they can be good to motivate asshole-ish people like me.

Now, that feeling has gotten to me again; while watching a YouTube creator whose name is Quackity, I realized that my English pronunciation is not good enough. Once again, I feel a very strong envy seeing someone who is also Mexican, who also speaks Spanish as his first language, and also learned English through the Internet, being so good at it, and connecting so well with native speakers as if he was a native speaker as well.

And yeah, you will hear this advice everywhere on the language learning community: don't compare yourself to others, but honestly, I don't feel like comparing yourself to others is what's wrong here, that is just normal human behavior. What is wrong, is that people always compare themselves to others and only end up feeling worse about themselves, instead of using those comparisons to see one's areas of improvement, like I do.

Thank you guys for reading, I'll be waiting for your feedback and also your own opinions on this topic.