what's going on in my head these days

what's going on in my head these days



I didn’t know what to write, so I decided to go for something somewhat similar to a diary entry.

I’ve noticed I’m lacking constancy and motivation, as much as I like the idea of improving my writing skills, putting thoughts into action is not easy at all. Personally, I’m someone with really low energy levels, I swear, after doing one single task I feel the urge of going to bed all of sudden. Somedays I just wake up already tired, that is on me though, most times I just can’t force myself to sleep before 11 pm as I feel I haven’t got done all I’m supposed to do for the day yet. Is a vicious cycle, yes, I’m aware of that ☹.

However, somehow, I force myself to keep going, at my pace. For me things take longer than for the majority of people but, at least, If I really put my thought into something, and my heart is in the same direction, I know I won’t end up quitting. Then, the next step for me to take in this journey might be to get rid of the obstacles I’m putting on my way by myself. For instance, If I do perceive something as burdensome in the slightest, I will try to avoid it to therefore, avoid the inconvenience or just feeling uncomfortable. I don’t know if this counts as self-sabotage, but things like not knowing what to write about, or feeling too tired for even trying have been stopping me for the longest time and I’m kind of getting sick of it.

To end this on a lighter note, things like taking healthier breaks (not napping for 2-4 hours), making to-do lists (and sticking to them) are helping me a bit, although, most times I can not control the way I feel, at the very least I can count on myself to try to give my circumstances a positive turn.