End of my hiatus era

End of my hiatus era


language learning
daily life
journaly updates

I'm back!

Regarding English, I have renewed my goals. I would like to reach the highest level possible for a non native, that said, I do not meant to pursue a certificate, I'd rather start consuming more specialized material: academic articles, documentaries, books (complex ones), as my greatest weakness still writing expression (and confidence while speaking) I thought it would make sense to surround myself of these sort of things.

I've spotted some recurring errors so far:

1. Tenses: although I already know how to conjugate verbs, in some specific sceneries it is hard for me to notice what is the right tense to use.

2. Lack of complex vocabulary.

3. Connecting ideas is a constant struggle, more than how proficient I am, I feel like it is a matter of literacy or having a writing style of my own.

4. Lastly, even in my native language knowing where to put a comma or a dot is such a struggle. I'd like to improve that aspect as well.