


daily life

Some years ago I started to like drawing flowers, I am not sure why but it just helped me to relax and do something if I was bored. Almost all my notebooks had drawings on the edge of the sheets and the majority were flowers. Being honest I am not really good at drawing , maybe because I have not put too much effort in it. The thing is that I have noticed it is really difficult for me not doing something if I am surrounded by people, like in class. if I am not doing anything I need to draw, use my phone or just distract myself because otherwise I feel uncomfortable, I don't know why.

Maybe there is something wrong with me hahaha I don't know, I will find out later, but drawings of flowers and nature are really beautiful to me and make me feel better. I could say that at the moment I like more the drawings and ilustrations of nature than the real nature.

I remember when I was in school a teacher or something similar (I don't remember very well) told me that my drawings were saying things about me and the way I am. I did not pay too much attention to her but after some time I started to think that she was right. I would like to know if these kind of things that are common for me in my daily life can help me to get to know myself better.

I also have thought about learning how to draw all these things related to nature, animals, insects, flowers etc.