My English learning journey.

My English learning journey.


language learning

My English learning journey started six years ago, in my last year of primary school. I cannot say that it has been easy for me to learn it, in fact, I always struggled with the pronunciation, and the structure of the language being so different to my native one.

I believe that comprehensible input is the bread and butter of learning a language, that is how humans learn languages and I doubt there is an alternative method. It is also the easiest way of learning, one only has to listen and read things that one comprehends.

Although I mentioned I started learning English six years ago, it has not been consistent, and the very little that I had learnt came from school, which was not even intermediate.

However, two years ago I had the brilliant idea of taking English seriously, as it would help me in the future. I had no idea where to start, I was like a little child who was at the stage of puking, and starting to take bold steps. Back then Duolingo, which is a simple app to learn languages, was my guide that thanks to it I obtained enough knowledge to understand simple conversations in English with subtitles, which meant that I was ready to dive into comprehensible input.

Time passed by and I could not help but feel more motivated, after one year of constantly learning my whole understanding of the language segued completely, as I could understand what native speakers were saying, and speak with a fair level of fluency.

However, the more I learn the more difficult it becomes. Advanced grammar, irregular verbs, and irregular plurals have been a nightmare that I did not have to endure when I was a beginner.

English is incredibly important to me because I have friends from all around the world that I would not be able to communicate with if I did not know English.