Be careful on the street

Be careful on the street


daily life

When we are on the street, every distraction can be dangerous, specifically the one which we are more used to bring to everywhere; when you are driving through the city, you must have to pay a lot of attention to almost everything is going on in and outside your vehicle, but when you are on a phone call or even chatting, obviously you are not paying attention at all, in that way you can easily beat someone or something, and as I know is illegal, but the drivers are not the only ones who have to pay attention and do not get distracted by their phones, there is a lot of people who prefer walk than drive or being passenger of any vehicle, and they have to be really alert of what is happening on the street, you cannot use your phone while crossing the road, is common sense, you can be another sad new on the tv, now imagine if every driver is using their phones at the same time every pedestrian do it too, in my opinion that would be chaotic.

Talking about distractions there are some other ones that may not be so dangerous as the phone distraction, but they still being distractions: eating or drinking and listening to music, In my opinion, I don’t think this kind of things are not that bad than the first ones I described, because you can listen to music as long as you can still hearing the street sounds and you can eat candys or something like that, of course you won’t take breakfast while driving, but a kind of snack is not that bad, I mean, it still being quite dangerous, but you can be responsible and do it with no danger.

There are a couple of things that are a quite more dangerous than eating or listening to music while driving and it is about the people’s security inside the car; getting distracted by anything when you are on the road in your car is really dangerous, but if you are not taking care of your security it can be very problematic, you always have to drive with your seatbelt, if you get distracted for any reason, the belt is something that can save your life and your family’s, and this is the reason why you always have to bring a child seat if there is a child in the car.

Ignoring the signs on the street can be dangerous, and it is jus common sense, it is like throwing up a coin, the result can be okay, with any problem, or can be bad and I know don’t want to be in a hospital or with any bone broken, things like jaywalking, driving through a red light or even over the speed limit are that kind of things.

I was asked for rank all the actions i mentioned before to know which one is the most dangerous and all that stuff, I personally think all of them are very important to avoid, because on the street, one action, one distraction, one step, can send us to a hospital, can send a stranger to a hospital or one of the people we love most.

(Sorry if it is a very long text)