Honesty and courage from my heart

Honesty and courage from my heart


daily life

Hello there !

My name is Valente!

Tonight i will share to you some of my thoughts, you know ! I´ve been feeling a lot of energy, a lot of possitivity and i want take advantage of that and i think this is a great place to say some of them and of course it´ll be a great practice for the language.

I´m 26 years old and i´ve been thinking a good way to shape my purpose in this life, i don´t know, but at least me, i tend to dream a lot and to be honest i love it, all of the energy i´ve been feeling this week is because i feel that i want to risk everything and go for my dreams without stressing out because of the road. I will tell you a little background of myself.

I´ve been playing the drums since i was 13 years old, throughout this journey i have met a lot of people who i have shared my experience playing music, i began a band with my brother and it went alright, at least went okay for the first years, our group wasn´t destined to grow, all of us learned how to play our instrument while we were enjoying every step we took, after some years i remember i used to fight a lot with my brother and of course within the band, we never improved a good comunication, we started to argue in some ways and i wanted to forget a little about music, the band was going down, i was in the university, forgetting that my band wasn´t all the music and all the musicians in the world and then, i discovered in that process a new passion, the passion of languages, i fell in love with the German language and after that i started understanding better my mothertonge and of course i finally improved my English, because i startad to see the language like a sistem.

After i realized that suddenly everything with my band just changed, the singer moved to Hidalgo, our guitarrist chosed his own path of learning, our latest bassist worked on his career and now he is a wonderful teacher, Franco, my brother (he plays the guitar) continued improving but in his own time and tastes.

The time just passed by and i started playing again with new people, since that moment i always have in my mind that i had discovered something as powerful as music, that was languages.

With the time i have discovered new things, what i realized when i finished my career which was great, i loved math and using knowledge as a tool to improve my life, but i couldn´t see myself just working to make money and not to think about my real happiness, i had a job and i wasn´t prepared at all to face it, i just hated it and i forget about my career and didn´t want to find work after that, i just invested my time with music. i became a better drummer and currently i´m getting better with my language learning and there´s a question that always lands me on earth and then i try to answer it.

When will i begin to create some experience to make money and start my projects? This question has created endless storms in my heart, i just feel right now the desire, the energy, the will to dream and make my dreams come true, i have used my time here at home to prepare myself in so many things and i know that things to learn always will be, i feel the necesity to express all my love, all my passion, this artist that i have inside of me that i have boycotted throgh the years without wanting to share any idea, just fighting with some demons inside of me, just letting the storm grow bigger. I´m sick of that and i´m thankful because, life has taught me to patient and not to worry, i don´t want to live a life just worrying of what i´m not doing, i just want discover what i´m capable to do and live free like a lot of people in the world, people who just risk it all and life taught them uncountless lessons everytime.

That´s why i´ve been feeling a lot of energy, i just can´t stop thinking on all the possibilities to create and just enjoy the process of creativity, what a beautiful way to love ourselfs by the way, to enjoy writting and growing as a human being exploring ideas that inspire people.

For me this is a beginning, a side effect of learning languages i realized how much i loved writting and here i am, going with the flow, exploring sharing my ideas and saying yes to the dreamer that i am, that i will do it no matter what.

I hope you enjoy this letters.