An approach to minimalist

An approach to minimalist


daily life

About one year and a half ago, I have started to take interest in getting to know more about minimalist as lifestyle. I started because was I feeling overwhelmed by many aspects of my life: my work, my studies and even my house. Everything seemed disorganized and I was always running around with the feeling that the clock did not have enough hours in a day. I don't exactly remember how I started to research about minimalist, if through a youtube video or something else, but I remember that it simply made sense. Since them, I have already improve many aspects of my life. I'm studying more, I'm making exercises regularly, my finances are in order, my house is more manageble, more organized, and more cleaned. But, mostly, I feel better about myself. Being able to get myself together, to create a more "clean" and organized rotine, to get rid off everything that wasn't really necessary gave me a self of calm and accomplishment that really improve my self-steem.

One of the biggest orientations of minimalist is to declutter all areas of life: declutter the house, the wardrobe, the office, the social medias, etc. I've done it all and it all pay off. What I didn't excepted was to naturally declutter my mental processes. While I was decluttering other areas of my life, I started to realise that there was also excesses of a different, not physical , kind: depreciative thoughts, procrastination, self-doubt thoughts, lazyness, etc. It maybe obvious to everyone. But for me, applying minimalist to many areas of my life, help me face my bad habits in a way that I had the strengh to make changes. After all, if a could declutter my wardrobe, why couldn't I declutter my mental processes and decison-making processes or my overall approach to day-to-day life?

Ok, when I started this post, my intention was to write about a book about minimalism that I'm reading. It ended being entirely about myself. Ops! Sorry! I will try againg in the next one.